Saturday, August 18, 2007

SSA Proposes changes for Reviewing Officials and roles in Demonstration Projects

Proposed Suspension of New Claims to the Federal Reviewing Official
Review Level, Changes to the Role of the Medical and Vocational Expert
System, and Future Demonstration Projects

The Social Security Administration recently released a notice of proposed rulemaking, proposing to modify the disability administrative adjudication processes to suspend new claims to the Federal reviewing official (FedRO) level, now operating in the Boston region.

Claims already received will continue to be processed by the FedRO and a related component of the disability determination process, the Medical and Vocational Expert System (MVES), commonly known as the Office of Medical and Vocational Expertise (OMVE). The agency also proposes to remove the MVES/OMVE from the disability adjudication process for new claims. “We are making these proposals to ensure that we continually improve our disability adjudication process. Lastly, we are requesting comments on using the MVES/OMVE to develop and manage a national registry of experts."

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