Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The NFL looks to SSA Disability

The following is excerpted from an updated article on ESPN Page 2., dated August 8, 2007

The story, entitled, Tuesday Morning Quarterback Returns!, by Gregg Easterbook, involves a long discussion of NFL retirement and disability issues. However, of note is a link to the SSA disability process by one Mike Ditka, (former coach of da bears), to wit:

Ditka said there are 300 former players who unfairly have been denied disability checks. When asked for his source, Ditka "acknowledged he might not have been correct on his estimate and quickly changed the subject," the Chicago Tribune reported. Ditka further declared the NFLPA disability claims process onerous because "If you make people fill out enough forms, if you discourage them enough, make them jump through enough hoops, they're going to say, 'I don't need this.' " Certification of an NFL disability qualifies one for up to $224,000 a year for life -- it's an awful burden to fill out some forms in return for $224,000 a year? Disability claimants should be required to prove their conditions are bone-fide, otherwise those who aren't really disabled would file for the money. Former players protest that the NFLPA uses a law firm to review disability claims, which in turn means they need legal advice. Yet the Social Security Administration uses law firms to review disability claims, and advises claimants to hire a lawyer. In response to older players' requests, the NFLPA just announced that disability eligibility will be based on Social Security Administration rules. That should standardize the process, though not necessarily increase awards. As of June, four percent of the NFL's 8,000 former players were receiving disability payments.

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